Boobs Skateboard
One thing that has always inspired me is street art and street culture, especially through the skateboarding scene. I always wanted to create a skateboard graphic and when I started really honing in on this digital free flowing exploration of the female form I had to make it into a skateboard graphic.

I Used to Box
This is my figurative hanging up of the boxing gloves. It’s my farewell to being a competitive boxer and my official entry into the art world. This painting is a thank you to what boxing has given me, and a testament that I will fight for everything I want, because I believe that I can do anything if I work hard enough for it, even become an artist.

Smile for the Camera, Honey
I love playing around with our expectations and seeing how I can push my own, and the viewers, boundaries.
Barbie is such an iconic figure. She’s been criticised for creating an unrealistic body image but no matter what we think of her, we all have some sort of relationship to her. No matter what she is doing, or what position she is in, she will always have that smile plastered on her face and ironically I think that is probably the experience that a lot of women have. “Just smile, and take it”.
I am incorporating realism with a twist, adding the tan lines to the plastic barbie doll, as well as my love for street art with the graffitied background against which she can really pop.
I invite the viewer to explore their own emotions and impressions around this painting, and perhaps their own expectations as well.

In Your Face - Theres nothing quite like a big colourful naked woman to awaken som emotions and controversy. There are so many feelings surrounding female nudity and so many expectations as to the female form and female behaviour. I say that nudity doesn’t always have to be sexual. This is my fun way of challenging you to look at your own expectations and feelings.

I love paying with what we already know and creating a twist. This guy is a part of a series of illustrations and paintings I have made that I call anthropomorphic beasts.
I like the idea that it will look at once sexy and also a bit disturbing.
Graffiti Background - 1
This is one of 3 street art and graffiti inspired backgrounds that I created that can also standalone as a piece of art. The words in the background are words that are relevant to me, my experience, and my art.
Graffiti Background - 2
This is another one of 3 street art and graffiti inspired backgrounds that I created that can also standalone as a piece of art. The words in the background are words that are relevant to me, my experience, and my art.

Read my Lips - Do you Wanna Make Out?

Read my Lips - Smoko
Read my Lips - Want

Read my Lips - An Eye For an Eye
Mouths are really expressive, but it’s not something we stop to think about although we probably interpret them in one way or another every single day. What feelings do they evoke inside you as a viewer? How might it differ from how someone else sees it?
The next few works explore different expressions that I as an artist have found interesting and that made me inspired to paint them.

Trigger Points
Consent. There is an ongoing discourse between individuals and in popular culture about consent and the education around it.
In the end this painting is meant to be playful and fun, but I challenge the viewer to see what feelings this works evokes in you. Whether it is indeed something playful and light hearted, or whether it triggers something inside you. Art Is about evoking feelings inside people and it creates an opportunity for introspection.

Lemon Squeeze
I love exploring different mediums and techiques and when I got the opportunity to do a tufting course with the talented Troublemaker Melbourne, I was so excited.
This is an adaptation of one of my digital illustrations called Lemon Squeeze.

Oh Hey
Las Vegas neon lights and an old school Barbie with an attitude.

Chewboard - A starwars celebration
I’ve always felt more free when I’m creating sculptures, as if I am not bound by the same rules as when I paint. This was a contribution to a group show and my first exploration into card board sculptures. Inspired by the French/Canadian artist Laurence Vallieres.